Asian Music has launched new song Aaja Bholi Aadinau Timi. It is catogorized as new Nepali pop song. It hase sung by B.P. Wagle. It has best music and is best cheistry of vocal and lyrics. It has been written by S. Raj and it is arraged by Rikesh Gurung. In this video, Vikash Lamichhane and Mariska Pokharel has acted as model. It is directed and edited by Nitin Chand, one of the best emerging capable director of this industry. Aaj Bholi is the one of the best song of Asian Music.
In this song Aaj Bholi Aaudina timi is the song sung by a lover whose beloved try to avoid him. And he become so sad and he told her about his anxiety. He ask about why she doesn't come his life again? However, he has already fully fallen in her love.
He persuade her by admiring her. He said, everything is she. Everything is her for the lover. He found her as his future, his life, his career and so on.
He told her why she has left him? He is crying for her. He said her that his all dream are broaken due to her. He has dreamt so many dream. He told her why she does not come into his life?
In watching video, it is the best video ever make in this music industry. Both models have done their best. Story of the video is so wonderful. In this story, she wants to go far away from him because of her illness of brain tumor. At last, the boy found the reason of her ignorance and cried so much.
In this song Aaj Bholi Aaudina timi is the song sung by a lover whose beloved try to avoid him. And he become so sad and he told her about his anxiety. He ask about why she doesn't come his life again? However, he has already fully fallen in her love.
He persuade her by admiring her. He said, everything is she. Everything is her for the lover. He found her as his future, his life, his career and so on.
He told her why she has left him? He is crying for her. He said her that his all dream are broaken due to her. He has dreamt so many dream. He told her why she does not come into his life?
In watching video, it is the best video ever make in this music industry. Both models have done their best. Story of the video is so wonderful. In this story, she wants to go far away from him because of her illness of brain tumor. At last, the boy found the reason of her ignorance and cried so much.
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